You’ve got a FRIEND in me!
This week, I’ve done something a little different. Out of necessity, the CFM curriculum only hits selected chapters from the Old Testament…there is just too much to cover otherwise. I noticed that David’s best friend, Jonathan, was not even in this week’s reading. SOOOO…you get to learn about an amazing QUIET hero that will be totally new to you. Why am I doing this? Because FRIENDSHIP is just such an important part of life…I feel to focus our episode on that this week. Hope it helps your family to want to “Friend Zone” each other a little more! (and do still learn about King David and King Solomon in the CFM chapters --- 2 Samuel/1 Kings --- on your own this week)
FLASHBACK – Well, with TRUE FRIENDSHIP as this week’s theme, lets revisit two TRUE FRIENDS from the Book of Mormon…Alma & Amulek! What an ordeal THEY went through together!
And, I have loved the SUMMER of HEROES videos several of you have already sent me! I want more!! So, break out those phone cameras and creative minds, and make something fun! You can email the videos to me at davidbowmanart@gmail.com (all the details are at the end of the “STRONG & COURAGEOUS” episode)
Happy learning this week!
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David & Goliath – one of the all-time epic stories of the Bible. And this week’s episode / CFM studies includes not just this favorite story, but the story of Saul (leading up to David) as well. There is SO much!
SOOOO… you all are getting my longest (a half hour!), most time-consuming on my part :)... episode to date! Because of this, there is no FLASHBACK episode this week --- I want you to focus entirely on this weeks's content. Now, you can break this one up into two viewings if you’d like (especially for shorter attention spans). I recommend 14:43 as the midway stopping point. Enjoy!! I hope you have fun AND feel motivated to tackle your own personal Goliaths with the HEART of a David.
AND --- send me those SUMMER OF HEROES vids! Summer is officially in full swing now! Woo hoo!
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Okay, so there have been a lot of EPIC, large-scale MIRACLE stories lately in our Old Testament study. This week, we get a little more low-key, a little simpler as far as expressions of God’s power in the lives of Ruth, Hannah, and young Samuel. Which is good! Because I think we can relate more. For all of us, its those little, day to day expressions of faith, built up over time, that are what life is about. Enjoy this episode! Hope you the spirit teaches you something you need right now.
FLASHBACK – Joseph Smith’s small interactions with children were a hallmark of his personality. Nothing major… just simple, small acts of kindness that showed them that they mattered. Enjoy these VERY LESSER-KNOWN, first-hand accounts of some of these experiences from last year’s D&C year. Gotta love Joseph!
SUMMER of HEROES --- We are in FULL SUMMER MODE now!! Woo hooo!! Start thinking about/prepping your Heros video you want to send me! (Details at end of episode)
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Week 23
“The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon!!”
The saga continues… as the Israelites settle in the Promised Land and begin what is known as --- The Reign of Judges. And GIDEON is my favorite judge! It’s the inspiring story of one humble man and his soldiers, defying ALL The odds (and common sense), to face off against an enemy army that outnumbers them over 400 to 1! But this story is not about COMMON sense… It's about GOD sense. Lots of action, excitement, great music, bad accents, and POWERFUL PRINCIPLES in this one! Get your horns ready again!
FLASHBACK – Gideon’s faith-filled men did not back down in the face of impossible odds… and neither did HELAMAN’S STRIPLING WARRIORS! So, enjoy this classic story from the Book of Mormon as well this week (as if you didn’t get enough of the accent in the Judges episode! Haha)
The SUMMER OF HEROES has BEGUN!! School is getting out right about now, so start thinking about what heroes (from this summer’s CFM schedule) your kids might want to do a movie on. And then send them my way! davidbowmanart@gmail.com (Details at the end of the episode)
AND… be sure to post/tell your friends to watch last week’s Joshua episode (with the “We Will Walk You” song) on the FREE SAMPLES PAGE & get a feel for what DRAWN in has to offer! Thanks for your help spreading the word!
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