Just Sit Right back and You’ll Hear the Tale – The Tail of a Fateful FISH
Jonah, Jonah, Jonah… it’s as well-known of a story as any in the Old Testament! A Rebellious Prophet, A Massive Storm, A Helpful Fish, a Softened People… and it is full of great modern-day applications for us. So, enjoy - especially watching the MUSIC VIDEO that tells the Jonah/fish story… It’s a fun one!
This is also a FREE sample episode so please, refer your “not yet DRAWN IN” family & friends to this page on my site, so they can see what DRAWN IN is all about … In preparation for our next year’s, New Testament. (It is also on YouTube). Woo hoo!
FLASHBACK Episode --- Mosiah 27-28. Both Jonah and Alma the Younger were having a hard time getting on board with their MORTAL MISSIONS. What made the difference for Alma and his buddies?
Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Enjoy this time with family and loved ones!
(click HERE to download both)
Amos gives us a gem of a scripture that shows why we need PROPHETS… then & now! Have you ever thought --- What would your life be like without LIVING prophets & apostles? What a blessing they are to us! Enjoy this episode as we rejoice in prophets revelations, then and now, including our NEW “For Strength of Youth” booklet. Also, in this episode, I show a clip from a Sheri Dew, BYU Hawaii Devotional talk on modern day Prophets she gave just a few weeks ago. Honestly, probably the best talk on the subject I’ve ever heard! Watch full talk (about 28 min) here: "Prophets Can See Around Corners" - YouTube
FLASHBACK Episode – D&C 20-21. This episode (about when the church was restored in 1830) is great for reinforcing the “Prophets are called TODAY/they speak for the Lord” principle! And you get to see the “Gates of Heck” thwarted by our Gandolph looking prophet hand --- “You Shall Not PREVAIL!” :)
Happy CFM ing this week!
PDF Downloads
Hey, DRAWN IN Family – Welcome to another week of the Old Testament! This week, I felt impressed to focus on some of Joel’s prophecies about the last days that the angel Moroni thought were important enough that he should quote them to Joseph Smith. We focus on how the Lord “will pour our (His) spirit” in the last days and what that looks like. We are living out these prophecies today! Its exciting to think about! And there’s a neat video segment at the end that many of you will recognize. Enjoy!
FLASHBACK EPISODE – More LAST DAYS prophecies are found in D&C 45… so lets revisit that section as well, shall we?
And I apologize for not having PDFs this week. Doing this show in Utah, I simply ran out of time.
Keep up the great work of “making your home a gospel center of learning” (Pres. Nelson)
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! --- This week is DANIEL & FRIENDS!!
In a sea of Psalms & Isaiahs, where there is not much storyline in the scriptures… comes the Book of Daniel – with some of the BEST stories of the entire Old Testament!! I love the example of these Jewish young men who never COMPROMISED their standards, even though they were in the heart of wicked Babylon. They teach us to stick to our guns and not be persuaded by the negative influences around us…a GREAT lesson for today! And, I bet you didn’t know how MUSICAL these young men were :) So, enjoy this episode – I think I spent way too much time making it (ha ha) – and I hope your family is inspired to NOT COMPROMISE!
BONUS VIDEO – Remember Fast Gordon from a 4 weeks ago?? Well guess what?? THIS SUNDAY IS FAST SUNDAY!! Where you all get to pull out those “FAST PASSES” you made with me and have one of the best FAST SUNDAYS ever! So, here’s that music video again to get you PUMPED to…FAST!! AAAHH AAAAHH!