
 WEEK 15


The parting of the Red Sea… probably THE most famous, iconic miracle of the Old Testament! What a story! And what an epic reminder of God’s power and love for His people, as the Children of Israel were helpless to deliver themselves from Pharaoh’s advancing army. And, later on, the Lord provides a few more “not-so-grandiose-but-just-as-crucial” miracles…Manna from heaven & water from a rock. Anybody out there need a miracle? An “escape” from YOUR feeling “trapped”? Hope this episode helps remind you of His love, care, and power to deliver! 

 FLASHBACK episode --- There are great parallels between the Children of Israel’s journey through the wilderness… and Lehi’s family’s journey through that very same wilderness some 800 years later! And MURMURING (unfortunately) is one of them. Enjoy one of my very first DRAWN IN episodes, as we learn how to STOP/THIINK/MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE like a Nephi. So needed for kids & teens today!

Remember… you may feel you have a “Red Sea” in front of you right now…but “GO FORWARD” (with FAITH) anyway!


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 WEEK 14

“LET MY PEOPLE GO” --- Moses confronts Pharaoh
 Some might see it as “One man versus the mightiest nation on earth”. Others see it as “GOD versus mere mortals” It's all a matter of vision.
In this week’s CFM, Moses now puts his “Mortal Mission” (to free the Israelites from Pharaoh's enslavement) into action. Easier said than done, right? But, of course, he’s not alone. Watch how the Lord works “all His wonders” in their behalf, showing that HE has the power to save, no matter what the odds!  And the same is true today. Hope this episode helps remind your family that God is our EVERYTHING, that He has all POWER, and He only blesses us more when we acknowledge that. Get ready for more “Drawn In” learning and laughter!
 FLASHBACK – Another favorite hero of mine who did some pretty miraculous things during his mortal mission (and ALWAYS gave God the credit) is Ammon (and his brothers).  Enjoy this Book of Mormon episode where the Sons of Mosiah wrap up their mission to the Lamanites with some pretty inspired realizations. (And a fun music video at the end)

Gotta love the Scriptures! And, if DRAWN IN is helping, please be sure to tell your friends and family about it! I appreciate the word of mouth!

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JOSEPH gets ‘em in….  Now, MOSES needs to get ‘em out!
 The adventure continues this week as we introduce MOSES to the scene (one of the most influential prophets of the Old Testament). I love the story of Moses --- Miraculously being adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, raised as a Prince of Egypt in Pharaoh’s house…and then forsaking all of that to follow the special MORTAL MISSION God had in store for him. Friends, we ALL have Mortal Missions to fulfill while we are here on earth! Whether it's FREEING Israel from the clutches of Pharaoh…or GATHERING Israel out of the clutches of the world, you and I have a personalized work to do, just like Moses. Hope you enjoy and feel inspired from this week’s episode!
 FLASHBACK episode – All prophets had/have Mortal Missions to fulfill…but Joseph Smith’s mission to bring forth the plates of gold and translate them into the Book of Mormon is one of my favorites, and with HUGE ramifications for the world. So, enjoy this episode WITH a special visit from Bowman Beard! Aaaarrr! 
It's these little, weekly efforts to make your CFM time memorable for your family that pays off BIG in the end! God Bless you all! 

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So, this week’s content is divided into TWO parts:
PART 1 – we finish out the story of Joseph in Egypt and how he is finally reunited with his family. Yea! 
PART 2 – Time for all of YOU to do some drawing! Get out your paper/pens and draw with me, as I teach you how to draw 3 favorite scenes/people from the book of Genesis. And “yes”, mom & dad, this means you too!  
It's double the fun this week in DRAWN IN! 
(No FLASHBACK episode this week, since we have two videos for you) 

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Principle of Power


 WEEK 11
It’s Joseph Time!! Woo hoo!
 Ok, I think Joseph is to the Old Testament…as Spider Man is to the MCU.  EVERYONE LOVES JOSEPH - and rightfully so! What an incredible story – filled with triumphs and setbacks – going from slave to second only to Pharaoh in power. Come laugh and learn as a very SPECIAL GUEST HOST takes over DRAWN IN this week and invites your family to see the possibilities that are yours when you have “The Lord with you!” You will also get a sneak peek at the illustrations for my Bible WYH book that will come out SOMEDAY. 
Oh, and what a MUSIC VIDEO we got for you this week, too! Oh yea!
 FLASHBACK EPISODE– While Joseph is to be admired for his complete RESISTANCE to Potiphar’s wife’s advances…Corianton is to be admired for his complete REPENTANCE after his encounter with temptation. No one is perfect.  Everyone has their own Goliaths to contend with. This week, let’s revisit his story and the power he felt in his life after changing and turning totally to Christ.
 Enjoy! And, as always, I love hearing form any of you, feedback is always appreciated:  

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Principle of Power

Power Verse




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