DRAWN IN - OPEN FORUM! - Where YOU get to share feedback and ideas with each other

Hey DRAWN IN Friends!

    I am SO ENJOYING hearing how your family has been benefitting from DRAWN IN!  Thank you for taking the time to share.  It is very rewarding creating these videos/PDF's for such gracious people. 

If you have ideas you've found that work well (such as WHEN in the week do you watch the episodes?  How do you use the "DRAWN IN CHALLENGE" sheet?  What additional things do you do with the series to make it more beneficial? etc.)… please share! 

Also, thanks for your suggestions!  Starting February, to help organize past content, all the past videos will be logged by month, with a tab for every past month.  So the main page will have only the CURRENT MONTH'S content.  

So, share away!  Feedback, Suggestions, Ideas, Success Stories... love to hear from you!

David Bowman
DRAWN IN Creator


  • Cristine

    Will you have a special Drawn In video about The First Vision in preparation for General Conference? :)

  • Lisa

    I used one of your videos to sub the CTR5 class last week. The concept of STRAIT vs STRAIGHT- mind blown. We gave each child a bag called “The Ultimate spiritual trail mix- for traveling the strait and narrow path of life” Inside we had pretzel sticks (the guiding rod of the Lord), Goldfish (the savior leading us along), marshmallows (the soft sweet voice of the Holy Ghost), M&Ms (the sweetness of family and friends), Outdoor adventures Teddy Grahams (The adventures you will have along the way), and a chocolate Lamb (the Brothers and Sisters YOU can help along the way). Huge hit. We were asked to sub again this week, and I am sure to use the video on choices. Thank You!!

  • Rachelle A Ruggiero

    Is there a way to play on TV?

  • Rachelle A Ruggiero

    This has been a GAME CHANGING! My three boys LOVE the videos and get excited to watch them. I love that I don’t have to prep anything and we are still learning much.

  • erin

    My son Addy suggests that an Italian hand character make an appearance in one of the episodes. 😄

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